What is a “Sense of Well-being”?

The Definition of Sense of Well-being:
“Your Sense of Well-being is an Inner Peace that the Basic Requirements for Safe Human Existence are Stable and are Not Being Threatened”
– Brad Huett
Your ability to concentrate on the everyday challenges and joys of life has a prerequisite: A Stable Sense of Well-being.
+Requirements for a Stability and Healthy State of Well-being
1 – Safe Air to Breathe – Life Expectancy with No Air: Three Minutes
2 – Safe Water to Drink– Life Expectancy with No Water: Three Days
3 – Safe Food to Eat– Life Expectancy with No Food: Three Weeks
4 – Suitable Clothing – Clothes that protect you from the Environment and comply with current Social Standards
5 – Safe Living Accommodations – Shelter from the Elements both Environmental and Social
6 – Stable Physical and Mental Health – The ability to perform the activities required to manage your Sense of Well-being and Sense of Purpose
7 – A Reasonable Sense of Stability – Day to Day ability to sustain the above Fundamental Sense of Well-being requirements
1 – Safe Air to Breathe – Life Expectancy with No Air: Three Minutes
2 – Safe Water to Drink– Life Expectancy with No Water: Three Days
3 – Safe Food to Eat– Life Expectancy with No Food: Three Weeks
4 – Suitable Clothing – Clothes that protect you from the Environment and comply with current Social Standards
5 – Safe Living Accommodations – Shelter from the Elements both Environmental and Social
6 – Stable Physical and Mental Health – The ability to perform the activities required to manage your Sense of Well-being and Sense of Purpose
7 – A Reasonable Sense of Stability – Day to Day ability to sustain the above Fundamental Sense of Well-being requirements
2 – Safe Water to Drink– Life Expectancy with No Water: Three Days
3 – Safe Food to Eat– Life Expectancy with No Food: Three Weeks
4 – Suitable Clothing – Clothes that protect you from the Environment and comply with current Social Standards
5 – Safe Living Accommodations – Shelter from the Elements both Environmental and Social
6 – Stable Physical and Mental Health – The ability to perform the activities required to manage your Sense of Well-being and Sense of Purpose
7 – A Reasonable Sense of Stability – Day to Day ability to sustain the above Fundamental Sense of Well-being requirements
These requirements are essential and must be met in the priority listed above before any Sense of Purpose can be achieved. All actions required should be taken to successfully solve any issues with the above criteria. You should evaluate each morning, when you awake, that each of this items are met. If not, your Top Priority for that day is to meet the minimum requirements for any item at risk.
Due diligence to your health, both physical and mental is a prerequisite to maintaining a stable Sense of Well-being and Sense of Purpose. For most of us this is far easier said than done. I believe we, as Technologists, have an inherent tendency to fix the things that are overtly broken but a low priority on preventive maintenance.
The problem with neglecting daily good decisions regarding your health requirement is that failing to address potential health issues will generally create health problems if not a health crisis. Be mindful of the decisions you make each day that could create unwarranted consequences to your ability to manage your Sense of Well-being and Sense of Purpose.
Do Not Waste any of your Life Energy on Challenges that are Out of Your Current Control!
Ask yourself this question for any of the above Sense of Well-being criteria:
Is there Anything I can Do about the Issue NOW …
… If the Answer is No…
…… Forget about it UNTIL the Answer to the question is Yes
If the Answer is Yes …
… Act on it NOW, Not in Five Minutes or Five Hours,..
…… Act on it Right Now
Here is an example of what this really does for your state of mind and well-being:
It is a Friday afternoon at 6:00 PM. You get served with a notice that you are being sued by the driver of the vehicle that you recently had a relatively minor accident. You have insurance that you believe covers the damages being sought.
+What Should You Do?
Question: Can I do anything about the Issues NOW
Answer: Yes I can call my insurance agent that has been communicating with you since the accident
Action: Call the Agent
You are unable to get in touch with the agent as he is unavailable until 9:00 AM on Monday
Question: Can I do anything about the Issues NOW
Answer: No
Action: Nothing. Do not spend any of your life’s energy on worrying about something you have No Control at this time.
Wasting an entire weekend of potential happiness with friends and family sweating something that cannot change until Monday is a waste of your life and is unfair to the people around you. Be prepared to ask the question at 9:00 AM Monday morning.
It is now 9:00 AM Monday morning
Question: Can I do anything about the Issues NOW
Answer: Yes I can call my insurance agent that has been communicating with you since the accident
Action: Call the Agent
Question: Can I do anything about the Issues NOW
Answer: Yes I can call my insurance agent that has been communicating with you since the accident
Action: Call the Agent
You are unable to get in touch with the agent as he is unavailable until 9:00 AM on Monday
Question: Can I do anything about the Issues NOW
Answer: No
Action: Nothing. Do not spend any of your life’s energy on worrying about something you have No Control at this time.
Wasting an entire weekend of potential happiness with friends and family sweating something that cannot change until Monday is a waste of your life and is unfair to the people around you. Be prepared to ask the question at 9:00 AM Monday morning.
It is now 9:00 AM Monday morning
Question: Can I do anything about the Issues NOW
Answer: Yes I can call my insurance agent that has been communicating with you since the accident
Action: Call the Agent
Answer: Yes I can call my insurance agent that has been communicating with you since the accident
Action: Call the Agent
You are unable to get in touch with the agent as he is unavailable until 9:00 AM on Monday
Question: Can I do anything about the Issues NOW
Answer: No
Action: Nothing. Do not spend any of your life’s energy on worrying about something you have No Control at this time.
Wasting an entire weekend of potential happiness with friends and family sweating something that cannot change until Monday is a waste of your life and is unfair to the people around you. Be prepared to ask the question at 9:00 AM Monday morning.
It is now 9:00 AM Monday morning
Question: Can I do anything about the Issues NOW
Answer: Yes I can call my insurance agent that has been communicating with you since the accident
Action: Call the Agent
You would be surprised at how much this will help your Sense of Well-being and bring happiness to the People around You. If you can relate to this example, you can change your normal behavior of worrying about things that are completely out of your control.
The more we Care for the Happiness of Others, the Greater is our own Sense of Well-being
– Dalai Lama
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I am a Principal Architect at Liquid Hub in the Philadelphia area specializing in Agile Practices as a Certified Scrum Master (CSM). I use Test Driven Development (TDD) and Acceptance Test Driven Development (ATDD) with Behavior Driven Development (BDD) as my bridge to Agile User Stories Acceptance Criteria in a Domain Driven Design (DDD) implementing true RESTful services

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