The Modern Developer’s Disciplined Mind

The Continuous Refinement of Your Mind
Success as the Modern Developer begins with redefining yourself within the Modern Developer paradigm. This requires daily discipline. The Modern Developer has a relentless pursuit of excellence that is fueled by a disciplined mind. This is success criteria that cannot be absent or your Sense of Well-being and your Sense of Purpose will suffer.
“In reading the lives of great men, I found that the first victory they won was over themselves…
…… Self-discipline with all of them came first”
– Harry S. Truman
The components of your Sense of Well-being are the “What” of your stable mind. Your priorities and associated actions of your Sense of Purpose is the “How” you will maintain a stable Sense of Well-being.
Your ability to create a repeatable collection of activities that defines your daily discipline will be the key to your ability to become a Modern Developer. This Key must be used to unlock the potential that is buried deep inside you screaming to be free.
Your Daily Discipline is the Key…
…… for a Successful Sense of Purpose and a Stable Sense of Well-being
Success Breeds Success!
When first starting to redefine yourself your daily discipline may be weak or lacking completely. Baby steps will be required to create a repeatable collection of daily activities that will define your personal daily discipline.
Small successes plant the seeds for larger successes. If discipline in your life has taken what appears to be an extended vacation here is some ideas to get it to come back home:
+Create Positive Daily Habits at Home
1 – Make your bed as soon as you get up or as soon as possible in the morning
2 – Hang up and put away all of your clothes as soon as they as removed
3 – Leave your bedroom in a state that guests could view
1 – Make your bed as soon as you get up or as soon as possible in the morning
2 – Hang up and put away all of your clothes as soon as they as removed
3 – Leave your bedroom in a state that guests could view
+Create Positive Habits at Work
1 – Leave your work area organized when you leave
2 – Never be late to a meeting
3 – Respect the life energies of the attendees that is wasted if your cause a meeting to start late
1 – Leave your work area organized when you leave
2 – Never be late to a meeting
3 – Respect the life energies of the attendees that is wasted if your cause a meeting to start late
+Create Positive Habits with Your Friends and Family
1 – Pick up after yourself so someone does not have to do it for you
2 – Acknowledge, with sincerity, small deeds done for you by friends and family
3 – Have a smile and a positive attitude as much as possible
1 – Pick up after yourself so someone does not have to do it for you
2 – Acknowledge, with sincerity, small deeds done for you by friends and family
3 – Have a smile and a positive attitude as much as possible
All of the items above have one thing in common…
…… You control ALL of the outcomes
Remember the small successes you realize from the simple actions listed above will create a “Pattern of Disciplined Behavior”. This is a prerequisite for the discipline required for your redefinition as a Modern Developer. You need daily discipline to become The Modern Developer.
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I am a Principal Architect at Liquid Hub in the Philadelphia area specializing in Agile Practices as a Certified Scrum Master (CSM). I use Test Driven Development (TDD) and Acceptance Test Driven Development (ATDD) with Behavior Driven Development (BDD) as my bridge to Agile User Stories Acceptance Criteria in a Domain Driven Design (DDD) implementing true RESTful services

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