Personal Pearls of Wisdom
Personal Pearls
These Wisdom Pearls address the way that the Developer thinks not only in their career but in everyday life as well.
These pearls go to a better understanding of why things in life happen and habits they can create to maximize the life experience.
The Developer’s Number One Wisdom!
… The Next Stop is NOT the Golf Course
…… Aggressively Manage your Health
All of your goals, desires and dreams are not possible without good health.
The Lost Moments of Your Life
… They Often Return Gold
Think small when it comes to completing learning tasks.
Lost minutes, turned into short learning sessions, can return days of productivity when extrapolated over a years time.
Your Ego and Success
… Put It on a Short Leash
A strong Developer’s ego is one of the requirements for distinguishing yourself from an average Developer.
You have a responsibility to understand the difference between your “Insecurities” and your “Ego”.
Manage them both well or your success will suffer.
Personal Change for Growth
… If Not, When the External Nurturing Ends
…… So Does the Change
When committing to a personal change, ensure that all of the motivation comes from your desire for change.
If your change is sourced from external stimulus then if that stimulus ends, so will your motivation to change.
Understand Your Success Goals
… Or You Might Drive Right By It
Be absolutely clear on your definition of success for everything you commit to accomplishing.
Lack of clarity tends to lead to misunderstandings of the expected results.
The Human Mind and New Ideas
… is More Powerful than the Most Powerful Super Computer
…… Respect ALL Minds!
Understand that good ideas come from the most unexpected sources.
People with less skills or intelligence than you can often surprise you with their ideas if you are open to this wisdom’s concept.
What is Luck?
… Meets Opportunity
…… Create Your Own Luck!
If has often been said: “I would rather be lucky than good”.
Luck is often the result of good planning and preparation for the opportunities presented to you.
You can create your own “Luck” by being aware of opportunities presented that you have prepared for in your “Lost Moments”.
Opportunity Awareness
… It Should Hurt Your Ears
…… Be Hypersensitive to All Opportunities Presented to You Every Day
This wisdom opens you to be sensitive to the most obscure of opportunity possibilities.
When you capitalize on your “Lost Moments” to prepare yourself for “Good Luck” you crack the door to opportunities that you may not readily be able to recognize.
Be sensitive to the soft-spoken opportunities presented every day.
Be Prepared for the Unexpected Professional Encounter
… You Never Know Who You Might Meet: Save the “Funny” T-Shirt for the House
…… Ask Yourself: “Would I want a Colleague to see me Dressed like This?”
As a professional seeking world-class distinction, you are really never “Of the Clock”.
A chance encounter with a business colleague that could open opportunity doors could be damaged if the first impression is tainted by an inappropriate shirt or attire choice for that day.
Dress casually, but with the confidence that you would be represented well if a chance encounter were to occur.
Are You the Smartest Person in the Room?
… Strive to be the Weakest Link
…… You will be a Member of an Extraordinary Group
The most successful people strive to surround themselves with smarter, wiser and more experienced people.
Wisdom and personal growth only occurs when exposed to wise and experienced people.
Manage your insecurities and ego so they do not prevent your wisdom and personal growth.
Your Failures Define your Successes
… They are Your Bridges to Success
…… You Only Gain Wisdom by the Acceptance of Your Failures
Opening yourself to failure is the strongest success criteria that you can employ.
Living in your “Comfort Zone” may wrap you in your professional “Security Blanket” but it stifles your profession and personal growth.
Zero tolerance for failure translates to zero possibility for growth and wisdom.
Failure breeds wisdom.
Extend your comfort zone to include the possibility for failure.
If you work in a Zero Failure business culture: Be Afraid, Be Really Afraid!
How Do You Deal With Fear of Failure
People Either Run Towards Pleasure
… Or Away from Pain
Be Willing to Risk the Pain of Failure
… For the Pleasure of Success
People generally fall into one of two categories when it comes to an opportunity to succeed or fail.
People who run from pain that closes the doors of success or people who run towards the pleasures those success doors offer.
Seeking success opens the possibility of failure and failure is pain.
Seeking the pleasure of success, with eyes wide open to the possibility of the pain of failure, puts you running on a path to personal enlightenment.
“Success Breads Success” and the pleasure earned from those successes.
The Reality of Who is to Blame for an Undesirable Outcome
… Only the Results of Actions Taken
…… Do not play the “Blame Game”!
The blame game is a “Red Herring” that obscures the ability for successful root cause analysis.
As a red herring it has no real value to add to the situation under assessment.
The value of constructive observation needs to concentrate on the “Result” of the actions taken not who caused the unfavorable result to be realized.
Do not engage in the blame game when trying to solve or prevent similar results in the future.
The Wisdom Triangle?
… Information creates Knowledge
But Wisdom only comes from Knowledge
… Used for a Successful Outcome
Don’t Confuse Knowledge for Wisdom!
Wisdom in business and life is an iterative process.
Business or life produces data.
Relevant data is captured as information and stored in our memory or stored in Technology memory for future processing.
Knowledge, from the stored information is created, when related bits of stored information are grouped together to create some defined result.
Wisdom only occurs when the analyzed groups of information, defined as knowledge, is successfully consumed to produce favorable results.
Wisdom always produces new data that becomes candidates for new information.
The Iterative WISDOM Triangle:
which creates WISDOM which generates new DATA
Success, Wisdom and Failure?
… Failure Spawns Wisdom
Success is the Child of Wisdom
The road to personal and profession wisdom is littered with failures.
Your failures, as stated in other Wisdom Pearls, open the doors of personal and professional growth through your earned successes.
Success tends to create new successes as success is generally the result of one or more failures.
Wisdom is attained through successes created by failure!
Always Seek World Class Results
… Not a Destination
…… Ensure You are on Your Path to being World Class Every Day
The relentless pursuit of excellence should be your daily mantra in your personal and professional activities.
World Class is an overused term created to define the “Best of the Best”.
It does conjures up visions of a select few.
Seeking world-class standing, as a human being and a professional, is a life long pursuit: Not a destination to arrive at sometime in the future.
Worlds class implies a relentless pursuit of everyday excellence!
Some of these Wisdom Pearls are original and some are common beliefs passed down through the ages.
Power Resides in the Wisdom They Contain
… Easy to Remember and Repeatable
…… Share the Wisdom
Wisdom Pearls have great value when used in real life situations, both Professional and Personal.
Summon your “Inner Dragon” when times call for your “Wisdom Pearls“

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