A New Addition to the OOP Pillar Family?
– Data Abstraction –
For years I have been asking the classic Programming interview question: “What are the Three Pillars of Object Oriented Programming?”
The candidate would confidently exclaim: “Encapsulation, Inheritance and Polymorphism!”
I would be obligated to accept that as a correct answer.
But is it really?
My Software Development Odyssey has taken me down somewhat of a different path.
The original OOP Pillars that I have embraced for years now seem to be missing an important stanchion:
The Data Abstraction
Encapsulation of State in Data Transfer Objects
… Using Composites and Aggregates DTOs
The Four Pillars Paradigm
Pillar Number One: Encapsulation
Details Required to Return a Result from a Class Method should be Hidden from the Calling Method
Encapsulation provides a valuable service to your design: It hides the implementation. It enables compliance with the Object Oriented Principle: Separation Of Concerns (SOC)
The concept protects the objects within the type from being altered in a way that is unintended by the Developer.
Encapsulation also abstracts away the Dependencies that the Encapsulated Class Method requires from the calling Software Entity.
Encapsulation helps the Developer to comply with the “O” in the S.O.L.I.D. Design Principles: Open / Closed Principle.
Pillar Number Two: Inheritance
The Ability to Enable Objects to Share Common Functionality of the Parent Object. Inheritance Promotes the Reuse of Existing Object’s Code Elements
Conventional use of Inheritance is Class based.
This assumes that the relationship between the Parent Class and the Children Classes has an “Is A” relationship.
The Derived Child Class “Is A” a variation of its Parent Class.
In the Animal Kingdom an “Is A” relationship is implicit. Unfortunately in Programming Kingdom it is not implicit.
In reality, most programming inheritance structure are really a “Behaves Like” relationship more that an “Is A” relationship.
Interface Inheritance, or Composition, should be used when it is clear that the Derived Type is not a variation of its Base Type.
An improper inheritance model leads to unmanageable code over the life cycle of the code base due to inevitable change requests and feature/functionality additions.
Pillar Number Three: Polymorphism
The Ability to Derive Different Concrete Behaviors from a Common Abstract Type
In Class Inheritance we can accomplish Polymorphic Behavior by deriving Classes from a Common Base “Parent” Class
We then create different child variations of the parent
The variation is Object “Typed” as a variation of the Parent Type.
In Interface inheritance we create the “Behaves Like” Polymorphic Behavior by using the Contract of the Interface as the Base Behavior.
We implement the Interface Behavior Definitions in the concrete Types to Inherit the Interface behavior.
Pillar Number Four: Data Abstractions
The Encapsulation of Data within a Single Object that includes Primitives and other Complex Objects as Related Members
Data is State.
State Objects are Classes that only contain Properties and Constructors. Properties are initialized by Constructors.
These Data Abstractions are called Data Transfer Objects: A DTO
A DTO abstracts the details of the consumable properties, and their initialization process, from the consuming method. The DTO can manage the property object through access modifiers within the getters and setters for the property using the three available class constructors.
The Data Abstraction can be a simple encapsulation DTO that holds a single primitive:
Public bool IsSuccess {get; set}
The DTO Data Abstraction can be a Container
… Acting as a Transport Package for other DTO Types
+Transport Package Example
This displays the Derived Complex DTO and its Member Properties with its Collection Objects. This Object inherits the Error Information from its Base Class Error Object.
Public int CompanyId {get; set}
Public string CompanyName {get; set}
Public List<CustomerContact> CustomerContactsList {get; set}
Public bool IsActive {get; set}
This is the Base Class Error Object DTO that delivers status for the entire Complex Object:
Public bool IsSuccess {get; set}
Public List<Error> ErrorList {get; set}
Composite and Aggregate Data Abstractions
Composites and Aggregates are State DTO that perform specific roles in Data Abstractions.
They are containers for State Data that are defined by their Role in the Business Domain
Domain Driven Design, Data Abstractions and the Business Domain
In Domain Driven Design (DDD) an Entity is an object that has a Domain Identity and Can Stand Alone as a Domain Member.
A Value Object is an object that has No Domain Identity and only has Domain Member Value when associated with an Entity within the Domain.
In the Data Abstraction Pillar a DTO Performs Domain Roles
+Domain Roles
It is important to understand the Roles and Relationships to the Business Domain that well architected State DTOs perform.
- An Aggregate DTO – A Value Object that has identity only to itself. It can belong to a Collection of its Types and be part of a larger DTO
- A TIRE DTO is an Aggregate to a Collection of TIRE objects: TIRES
- A List<TIRE> can then be a member of a Complex DTO: CHASSIS
- A Composite DTO – An Entity Object into itself with an Identity. This identity may or may not be represented as a Domain Entity.
- The TIRES Composite DTO identifies the collection of four tires for the VEHICLE Entity but is not a Domain Entity as the TIRES by themselves has to Value unless associated with the CHASSIS Entity of the Domain: VEHICLE
- The Composite TIRES is therefore
- A Aggregate Object to CHASSIS
- A Composite Object to TIRE
- A Complex Composite DTO – A true Domain Entity that contains other Composites and Aggregates. The Complex DTO is the Transport Package for the lower level Composites and Value Object Aggregates
- The CHASSIS Complex Composite holds the TIRES and all other Child Composites that make up the CHASSIS
- When called as an Entity the CHASSIS Complex DTO Composite DTO holds the Base Object ERROR DTO as its Status object for the Domain: VEHICLE
The New Pillar of OOP: Data Abstrations
Adding this “Fourth Pillar” creates a Design Model for the separation of the State and the Behavior responsibilities.
As a bridge to Domain Driven Design Entity paradigm, Data Abstractions gives the Architect and Developer a Business tool for a better understanding the intent of the Solution Data being managed by the Application.
The Forth Pillar Provides Separation Of Concerns
… For objects that Manage Behavior from Objects that Manage State
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I am a Principal Architect at Liquid Hub in the Philadelphia area specializing in Agile Practices as a Certified Scrum Master (CSM). I use Test Driven Development (TDD) and Acceptance Test Driven Development (ATDD) with Behavior Driven Development (BDD) as my bridge to Agile User Stories Acceptance Criteria in a Domain Driven Design (DDD) implementing true RESTful services

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Pardon the question, but as an aspiring developer just ending his Bachelor’s Degree journey I am curious about your proposed fourth pillar. If I understand this correctly, would a DTO abstraction be something like a Database Access Object layer my professor mentioned? He said that it’s common practice to set one up so that if a change is made to the database you only have to rework the DAO instead of hunting everything down throughout the rest of the code.
A DTO is a Class Object used to manage State in an Technology Stack. An ORM that returns a SQL Data Set as Class Objects are what I call “Soft DTOs”. They are of a type that cannot be transformed in their “Virtual” state. They are also locked into the Data Model as, by design, they are Class representations of the Data Model.
DTOs allows you to transform the Data Model representations into Plain Old C# or Java Objects for “Data Shaping”.
They do reside in one location, the common Infrastructure, shared by all Layers that consume them. There is a single point of management when the underlying Data Model changes.
Since any code consuming the DTO that is not updated has no knowledge of the change, the change does not break Legacy Code. Only new code consuming the change will be affected.
A DTO design allows for “Complex DTOs to be nested inside a Parent DTO that carries Error Handling and Status information much the way that a “Packing Slip” from a provider such as an Amazon delivery would have a status of your requested items. If something is “Back Ordered” it is reflected in the Packing Slip. If something is missing in your DTO package it is reflected in an Error DTO object nested in the Parent Complex DTO.
See my Blog on the Request Response Design Pattern for real examples of a Complex DTO “Package”
Hope this helps
Brad Huett
The Modern Developer