What is TMD Agile Methodology?
The “Agile Methodology”, for the Modern Developer, is a set of proven processes, business and delivery guidelines, development models and best practices.
It is based on Robert Martin’s development alternative to the traditional “Waterfall” process.
This baseline for business technology solution development implementing the Agile concept was first introduced in 2002 through the publication:
Agile Software Development: Principles, Patterns, and Practices
There are Countless Ways
… of Achieving Positive Results using Agile Methodologies
…. TMD Agile is One of those Ways, but not the Only Way
TMD Agile’s processes and guidelines are always designed to the specific culture, climate and requirements of each Client’s business requirements.
TMD Agile Is Not a Template Boilerplate Model
It is a Road Map for Business Technology Success
What is TMD Agile Development Series?”
The TMD Agile Series is a collection of Blog posts that define and demonstrate the elements of the TMD Agile Methodologies.
The collection is organized into four sections or arenas:
The Modern Developer Agile Basics
Product Quality Defined by the QA Objective
The Business User Story
The Cat Dilemma – Ubiquitous Language
Ubiquitous Language – A Lexicon of Terms Management Process
Agile Manifesto and the Code Review Process
The Agile Teams
The TMD Domain Driven Design Process
The Agile and Sprint Development Processes
The Organizational Process Debt Concept
Putting “Teeth” in the Development Process
The Agile Backlogs – Managing the Agile and Sprint Backlogs
The Agile Backlogs – Technical Debt Management
Sprint Estimations – User Story Complexity
Sprint Estimations – Task Development Hours
The Sprint Measures – Velocity, Increment and Burn Metrics
The Sprint Retrospective Process
Sprint Release Planning and Deployment
The Sprint Development Process
Each arenas will be defined and detailed
with real world examples
that will help you to customize
the concept for your own requirements
Stay tuned for continual updates to The Modern Developer’s Agile Development Series
Wisdom Pearl # 122 – Open Your Mind to Possibilities
There are Generally a Hundred Ways to Accomplish some Task
… But Only a Handful of Good Ways
…… Have an Open Mind to other Possibilities
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I am a Principal Architect at Liquid Hub in the Philadelphia area specializing in Agile Practices as a Certified Scrum Master (CSM). I use Test Driven Development (TDD) and Acceptance Test Driven Development (ATDD) with Behavior Driven Development (BDD) as my bridge to Agile User Stories Acceptance Criteria in a Domain Driven Design (DDD) implementing true RESTful services

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